AustraliaSim Guide


This is the AustraliaSim Guide - where you can read and learn about AustraliaSim.

This website will provide you with guides, information and a place to ask questions about AustraliaSim so that you can join and enjoy the community.

AustraliaSim is a reddit-based simulation with Discord integration that takes place over multiple subreddits. This is a list of the subreddits we commonly use. Click the headings to access the link.

This is the main subreddit and is used as a hub with media posts, and debates are posted on here for all MPs and members of the public to debate. Senators cannot debate on the main subreddit.

This subreddit is home to the House of Representatives (The Lower House) and is used by MPs to debate & vote. 

This subreddit is home to the Senate (The Upper House) and is used by Senators to debate and vote.

High Court rulings and hearings take place on this subreddit.

This subreddit is used by members of the press to cross-post their press pieces from discord.

This is where you can find discussion about the how the game is run. Anyone is free to comment or post on the subreddit with suggestions and critique. 

This is where campaigning for elections and by-elections takes place.

This is where the Electoral Moderator and Electoral Team announce elections and party formation.

This is where anyone can register a party or change details about their party with the Electoral Team.

The main Discords that are currently used are below. Click the headings to access the invite codes.

This is the main Discord. You can discuss general politics, participate in Questions without Notice and tweet to your heart's content here.

This is the Discord of the Country Labor Party.

This is the Discord of the Commonwealth Party.

This is the Discord of the Liberal Party.

This is the Discord of the Country Liberal Party.

This is the Discord of the Social Democratic Party.