Meta v Canon

There are two terms thrown around a lot on AustraliaSim: Meta and Canon. The dynamics of these two are critical to AustraliaSim, and it is important to know the differences.


Canon is quite simply anything that is part of the simulation. Anything typed, said or posted in a canon chat is part of the simulation unless said otherwise by the Moderation Team. Anything can be used against you in the future in a canon chat, so one should watch their words. Common examples of canon places include:

Some key canon roles include:


Meta is anything done outside of the simulation. This is usually also the referral to any administration business of the server as 'Meta', or it is used to distinguish between channels where one can discuss anything and one where it is part of the simulation. Examples of Meta include:

Some key Meta roles include:

Interaction Between Meta and Canon

It is generally not a good idea to mix Meta with Canon under any circumstances, but there are some rules worth discussing in that respect. Here are some more common interactions between Meta and Canon:

Meta Messages in a Canon Chat
